Published: 13 February, 2016  |  Last updated: 13 February, 2016

Teaching English in Suwon, South Korea

Suwon, South Korea


Report submitted on 31 Dec, 2015 by Rachel.

Teaching English in Suwon, South Korea:

How can teachers find teaching jobs in Suwon, South Korea?
Easily by contacting one of the many recruiting agencies in Korea. I used Hands Korea.

The main English teaching jobs available are:
Full time English language school positions.

What are the minimum teaching requirements?
Bachelor Degree in any field.

What teaching requirements would you recommend?
Bachelor Degree and some form of ESL certificate.

What are the levels of payment?
2.1 million won per month (approx US$2,000)

How many teaching days a week is normal?
5 days per week.

How many face-to-face teaching hours a week is normal?
20 hours per week.

What is the normal arrangement for holidays?
10 days per year.

What advice would you give to someone considering coming to Suwon, South Korea to teach English?
Have a database of back-up games and teaching material for the unknown, such as last minute trial lessons. Korea is wonderful to live and teach in, be prepared for parents being overly involved and pushy in their child’s education.

What are the positive aspects of teaching English in Suwon, South Korea?
The kids are eager to learn and easy to have a good time with.

What are the negative aspects for teaching English in Suwon, South Korea?
The teaching methods and lack of creative thinking allowed in children.

What are some of the teaching challenges for English teachers teaching the local people in your area?
Parental involvement and a schools need to grant the parents every wish.


Living in Suwon, South Korea:

Are there any visa or other legal requirements to live in South Korea?
Clean background check and clear drugs test.

What is the cost of living like in South Korea?
Accommodation is generally provided, cost of living is cheaper than most Western countries.

What are the usual accommodation arrangements and how can you find accommodation?
Sourced and provided by the school.

Other than teaching, what positive aspects are there for living in Suwon, South Korea?
It’s quiet and easy going but also easy access to Seoul and Suwon.

Other than teaching, what negative aspects are there for living in Suwon, South Korea?
Lack of home comforts.

What advice would you give to someone considering coming to Suwon, South Korea?
Come with an open mind.

What things do you miss most (other than family and friends) from your home country?
The food…

What do you think you will miss most when (or if) you leave South Korea?
The people, and food..

What things would you recommend to new teachers in your area to bring with them from their home country?
Deodorant, toothpaste, blu-tac (barely exists here)…


About Me and My Work:

My Name: Rachel

Nationality: Irish

Students I’ve taught in South Korea: Elementary (6-12 years), junior high school (12-15 years), high school (15-18 years).

Where I teach: Pagoda Junior in Gwanggyo. Teaching here for 1 year.

How I found my current jobs: Through Hands Korea.

My school facilities: Very good – Great facilities, minor fallbacks due to it being a new school such as efficient internet and print access..

Teacher support at my school:lesson observations, peer support / training.

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