Teaching English in Austria – Sankt Anna am Aigen

Published: 11 October, 2018  |  Last updated: 12 October, 2018

Teaching English in Sankt Anna am Aigen, Austria


Report submitted on 20 Sep, 2017 by Rebecca Summers.

Teaching English in Sankt Anna am Aigen, Austria:

How can teachers find teaching jobs in Sankt Anna am Aigen, Austria?
Difficult unless native English teacher with good German.

The main English teaching jobs available are:
Part time English language school positions, teaching at kindergartens / pre-schools, teaching at private international schools

What are the minimum teaching requirements?
Fully qualified and experienced Teacher. Native English Speaker. Prefer TEFL qualification or proof of course.

What teaching requirements would you recommend?
Experience and enthusiasm. Seek out employment.

What are the levels of payment?
Not good.

How many teaching days a week is normal?
Four days per week.

How many face-to-face teaching hours a week is normal?
Eight hours per week.

What is the normal arrangement for holidays?

What advice would you give to someone considering coming to Sankt Anna am Aigen, Austria to teach English?
Do. The Austrian people are welcoming and it is a lovely place to live and work.

What are the positive aspects of teaching English in Sankt Anna am Aigen, Austria?
Enthusiasm of both pupils and teachers.

What are the negative aspects for teaching English in Sankt Anna am Aigen, Austria?
Need for good German to interact with other teaching staff.

What are some of the teaching challenges for English teachers teaching the local people in your area?
From secondary level Austria has very good English teaching already in place and although they like native speakers they are not a necessity.


Living in Sankt Anna am Aigen, Austria:

Are there any visa or other legal requirements to live in Austria?
None unless Brexit raises any.

What is the cost of living like in Austria?
Quite expensive.

What are the usual accommodation arrangements and how can you find accommodation?
In cities easy to rent, more difficult in the countryside.

Other than teaching, what positive aspects are there for living in Sankt Anna am Aigen, Austria?
The location, the people and the country as a whole.

Other than teaching, what negative aspects are there for living in scenery, Austria?
Language differences. Although their standard of English is good, the older people prefer not to speak it.

What advice would you give to someone considering coming to Sankt Anna am Aigen, Austria?
Give it a go. Its fun and welcoming.

What things do you miss most (other than family and friends) from your home country?
Tetley tea bags, marmite and bacon.

What do you think you will miss most when (or if) you leave Austria?
Just about everything.

What things would you recommend to new teachers in your area to bring with them from their home country?
From their home country?
Tea bags, marmite, and make sure you go somewhere with a good internet connection. Essential.

Any other comments (about teaching or living in Austria)?
Austria is a beautiful, diverse country and the people, especially those in the south are very welcoming.


About Me and My Work:

My Name: Rebecca Summers

Nationality: English

Students I’ve taught in Austria: toddlers (2-4 years), pre-school / kindergarten (4-6 years), elementary (6-12 years)

Where I teach: Kindergarten. First School in two different towns. Teaching for 1 year.

How I found my current jobs: Word of mouth; talking to local mothers of children at the schools.

My school facilities: Very good. Clean, pleasant and happy environment. Well resourced with good technological access.

What kind of teacher support is available at your school/s?: peer support / training


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