Teaching English in Edsele, Sweden
Report submitted on 19 Apr, 2018 by Britta.
Teaching English in Edsele, Sweden:
How can teachers find teaching jobs in Edsele, Sweden?
I’m not sure to be honest. I just know that teachers are very hard to come by here. One way is to register at https://apply.engelska.se
At the school where I work, I’m the ONLY teacher with actual teaching certification, besides the principal.
But we are located in the north of Sweden where hardly anyone lives, and it’s a teeny tiny school with only 25 students in grades K-6.
The main English teaching jobs available are:
teaching at kindergartens / pre-schools
What are the minimum teaching requirements?
At my school, the principal was so desperate to hire staff that she hired me although I don’t even speak Swedish and my certification is from Florida.
Ideally, however, teachers with a Bachelor’s degree and valid Swedish teaching certification are sought after.
At the “Internationella Engelska Skolan” teachers with foreign teaching certifications are hired, preferably from the USA, Canada, or the UK. But anyone can apply.
They’re mostly looking for science and math teachers who will instruct in English
What teaching requirements would you recommend?
Experience working with children in a classroom setting.
Native speaker-like english level.
Ideally some sort of certification to teach.
What are the levels of payment?
Depends on the level of qualification.
Minimum 10 USD per hour.
How many teaching days a week is normal?
I only teach thursdays, all day. Other school: full time, meaning 5 days a week days per week.
How many face-to-face teaching hours a week is normal?
35? honestly, no idea. Rather less because we get lots of planning time hours per week.
What is the normal arrangement for holidays?
On holidays the school is closed. I only get paid per hour, and I dont get paid vacation, but that is NOT the norm.
What are the positive aspects of teaching English in Edsele, Sweden?
The kids are much better behaved than in the USA
What are the negative aspects for teaching English in Edsele, Sweden?
None, except we live in the middle of nowhere. If you like city life, you are going to go nuts up here. I almost did, but then I made friends…
Culture shock is nasty no matter where you move to.
I’m German and taught in Germany, Florida, and now Sweden.
The change from FL to Sweden was much worse than moving from Germany to Florida.
Culture shock almost made me leave Sweden, I never experienced Culture shock that badly in florida.
What are some of the teaching challenges for English teachers teaching the local people in your area?
None. Everyone is motivated, everyone wants to learn English
The Internationella Engelska Skolan is run almost like any US or Canadian school.
Living in Edsele, Sweden:
Are there any visa or other legal requirements to live in Sweden?
Any EU citizen can obtain employment without special requirements.
US Citizens need a visa and a work permit. It’s really easy to get if you have a job offer. The school will help you get the visa and everything. check it out: https://engelska.se/
What is the cost of living like in Sweden?
Where I live, you can’t go out. It’s the most rural place I’ve ever been to, but properties and houses are super cheap. You can get a decent house for as little as 15.000USD.
For 100.000 USD you get a mansion. You can rent a 3 bedroom 1 bathroom house for like 500USD a month. That’s because no one wants to live up here. It’s winter 6 months of the year.
If you go down to Stockholm or South Sweden, renting is insanely expensive, but you also earn more money for working.
What are the usual accommodation arrangements and how can you find accommodation?
The school will help you with everything.
You can find accommodation online
Nearly EVERYONE in Sweden is fluent in English.
Other than teaching, what positive aspects are there for living in Edsele, Sweden?
I have dogs, I like how much nature is here.
Other than teaching, what negative aspects are there for living in scenery, Sweden?
I hate the loneliness sometimes and that the next city is 2.5hrs away. Shopping is a pain. So much driving :/
We are so close to the north pole, during the summer it doesnt get dark and during the winter there is hardly any sunlight.
That’s tough!
Well, it bothered me the first year. Now I’m used to it.
What advice would you give to someone considering coming to Edsele, Sweden?
I don’t know.
Read LOTS about the climate and the 6 months of sunlight followed by 6 months of darkness and figure out if you could handle it.
But Sweden is awesome.
So liberal, so welcoming, so friendly, so nice.
What things do you miss most (other than family and friends) from your home country?
I miss proper roads without pot holes.
I miss being close to stores.
I miss nightlife and people, things to do, amusement parks.
I miss stores that are open 24hrs.
I miss hot summers.
I miss mild winters, but not really.
What do you think you will miss most when (or if) you leave Sweden?
The peacefulness.
The abundance of space.
The clean water and the clean air.
What things would you recommend to new teachers in your area to bring with them from their home country?
No idea, depends on the person
You can get everything here, you might just have to order it online or drive far but the only thing I couldn’t get was a special type of cereal from Germany which I’m sure everyone else could live without….
About Me and My Work:
My Name: Britta
Nationality: German
Students I’ve taught in Sweden: babies (0-2 years), toddlers (2-4 years), pre-school / kindergarten (4-6 years), elementary (6-12 years)
Where I teach: Edsele Friskola, Edsele, Sweden. Teaching for 1 year.
My school facilities: Good. Tiny school that’s making due with what they got.
What kind of teacher support is available at your school/s?
lesson observations, teacher evaluations, peer support / training
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