Published: 05 September, 2024  |  Last updated: 05 September, 2024

Teaching English in Catania, Italy


Teach English in Catania, Italy

Report submitted on 04 February, 2021 by Maria.

Teaching English in Catania, Italy:

How can teachers find teaching jobs in Catania, Italy?
Website for English as a foreign language or word of mouth.

The main English teaching jobs available are:
Full time English language school positions, part time English language school positions.

I can only mention that which I looked for and that is either part time or full time. I am sure however there are other options.

What are the minimum teaching requirements?
Depends on school but you must have minimum TESOL.

What teaching requirements would you recommend?
99% of the time they look for mother tongue speakers or bilingual certified ESL/TEFL or any other teaching certification.

What are the levels of payment?
Again this depends on the location. Around 18 euro an hour.

How many teaching days a week is normal?
For me 6 days per week.

How many face-to-face teaching hours a week is normal?
25 hours per week.

What is the normal arrangement for holidays?
Public holidays are paid.

What advice would you give to someone considering coming to Catania, Italy to teach English?
Be flexible, open minded and have a good sense of humour. You are in another country and should not compare with the previous. All experiences are different as are all your collegues. Have good and honest communication and do keep away from GOSSIP! It will be the death of you.
Be prepared for a different culture and have a hobby or at least an interest, be open to new experiences.

What are the positive aspects of teaching English in Catania, Italy?
You are in Italy!

What are the negative aspects for teaching English in Catania, Italy?
That will depend on you!

What are some of the teaching challenges for English teachers teaching the local people in your area?
The culture, expectations, the very lay back aspect and also not being able to communicate in Italian.


Living in Catania, Italy:

Are there any visa or other legal requirements to live in Italy?
If your not under the EU then yes a visa is required.

What is the cost of living like in Italy?
Sicily is really affordable, at least in comparison to the north.
400 euro a month should pay for your accommodation, daily necessities and utilities…it is hard to say about going out as each person has his or her own vices.

What are the usual accommodation arrangements and how can you find accommodation?
Some, if not all, schools assist in finding a place. You can also arrange this yourself.

Other than teaching, what positive aspects are there for living in Catania, Italy?
Oh my, you would be in Sicily! Food, art, outdoors, different cities (small and big).

Other than teaching, what negative aspects are there for living in Catania, Italy?
Noisy, a little dirty, a very savvy culture so eyes open people (everyone is out to make a buck).

What advice would you give to someone considering coming to Catania, Italy?
Have fun, be aware of what you want and what you are getting into.

What things do you miss most (other than family and friends) from your home country

What do you think you will miss most when (or if) you leave Catania, Italy?
The people and my new collogues.

What things would you recommend to new teachers in your area to bring with them from their home country?
Your favorite things.

Other comments
Come and enjoy yourself, it is Italy you are not here for a life sentence but to teach and use your skills to share and learn.


About Me and My Work:

My Name: Maria

Nationality: Australian

Students I’ve taught in Italy: Elementary (6-12 years), junior high school (12-15 years), high school (15-18 years).

Where I teach: Tuttolingue in Catania. Teaching for 2 years.

How I found my work: Website.

My school facilities: Good.


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