Teaching English in Pesaro, Italy
Report submitted on 02 February, 2015 by Frances McCusker.
Teaching English in Pesaro, Italy:
How can teachers find teaching jobs in Pesaro, Italy?
They can apply directly to a private language school or present a project to the primary middle and secondary school. Many schools publicise on their websites and there is an official application form for this.
The main English teaching jobs available are:
Full time English language school positions, part time English language school positions, teaching at kindergartens / pre-schools, teaching at state schools, teaching at companies, private teaching (not through a school, agency, etc.)
What are the minimum teaching requirements?
In a language school they usually want a university degree and a TEFL teaching certificate.
What teaching requirements would you recommend?
In the private language school experience is not always essential as many of them have their own method and they usually provide some kind of training before the teacher starts.
What are the levels of payment?
– Private language school 12 euro per hour (approx)
– State school 20-40 euro per hour
– Companies 30-60 euro per hour
How many teaching days a week is normal?
5-6 days per week.
How many face-to-face teaching hours a week is normal?
30 hours per week.
What is the normal arrangement for holidays?
Private language schools usually close in August but provide classes all year round. If a teacher needs a day off they are usually ok with this if another teacher is willing to cover.
What advice would you give to someone considering coming to Pesaro, Italy to teach English?
I would advise them to be careful when signing a contract with private language schools because they often exploit teachers by offering training and then asking them to pay for it if they don’t stay for a minimum time. Be clear about what would be acceptable to you from the beginning and insist on being paid every month for all the hours you work.
What are the positive aspects of teaching English in Pesaro, Italy?
The possibility of teaching a wide variety of ages and backgrounds in different places.
What are the negative aspects for teaching English in Pesaro, Italy?
Unsocial hours and often having last minute changes made to your timetable. Low pay in private language schools.
What are some of the teaching challenges for English teachers teaching the local people in your area?
There aren’t any particular challenges as far as the students are concerned the challenges are dealing with the school management.
Living in Pesaro, Italy:
Are there any visa or other legal requirements to live in Italy?
For European citizens no but for outside the European union I imagine there would be some kind of visa requirement.
What is the cost of living like in Italy?
A typical rent would be about 500 euro per month but usually language schools will help the teacher find a flat share.
Eating out not expensive food and other necessities about comparable with The United Kingdom.
What are the usual accommodation arrangements and how can you find accommodation?
Usually teachers coming from abroad will flat share and language schools will usually help with this.
Other than teaching, what positive aspects are there for living in Pesaro, Italy?
Safe environment. People are generally friendly. Good weather in summer with a beautiful beach and plenty of places to go in the evening.
Other than teaching, what negative aspects are there for living in Pesaro, Italy?
It’s quiet in winter and the weather can be very chilly and damp.
What advice would you give to someone considering coming to Pesaro, Italy?
Small Italian towns can be lonely places if you have no previous contacts.
What things do you miss most (other than family and friends) from your home country?
Some food. Real pubs the British sense of humour
What do you think you will miss most when (or if) you leave Pesaro, Italy?
The climate and the food.
What things would you recommend to new teachers in your area to bring with them from their home country?
Nothing in particular.
About Me and My Work:
My Name: Frances McCusker
Nationality: British
Students I’ve taught in Italy: Pre-school / kindergarten (4-6 years), elementary (6-12 years), junior high school (12-15 years), high school (15-18 years), university, adults, business.
Where I teach: Elementary school Sacro cuore in Pesaro. Working here for 25 years.
How I found my current jobs: I was recommended by a teacher where I was doing a language project.
My school facilities: Good – Classroom, text books and technology.
Teacher support at my school: None.
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